62 Gladstone Road, North Dandenong

Dr Alycia Utberg

Dr Alycia Utberg, a GP at North Dandenong Clinic, is experienced in helping patients with chronic illness and mental health.

(MBBS (Hons), DCH, CSCT (Women’s health), FRACGP)

Dr Alycia Utberg has been at North Dandenong Clinic since 2014. She gained her RACGP qualifications in NSW (including a year at the Westmead Children’s Hospital obtaining her Diploma of Child Health) and also spent 5 years working in London.

She is experienced in helping people to manage a wide range of health conditions, including long-term (chronic) illnesses (such as diabetes, heart disease, and asthma), mental health concerns, musculoskeletal problems, digestive problems, infections, allergies, occupational health (accredited for rail medicals categories 1, 2 and 3), women’s health, and pregnancy shared care (she is an accredited antenatal shared care provider for Monash, Dandenong and Casey hospitals).

Dr Utberg does not perform skin cancer (mole) checks, surgical excisions, or Implanon insertions or removals.

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