62 Gladstone Road, North Dandenong

Travel Medicine

Travel safe with NDC

North Dandenong Clinic offers a comprehensive Travel-Health service.  We provide all travel immunisations and are an accredited Yellow Fever vaccination centre.  Our experienced team of doctors and nurses can give you up-to-date medical advice on potential health threats that you may encounter and aim to help you have a great time away.

Whether you are travelling for business or pleasure, make an appointment with one of our doctors 4-6 weeks prior to your planned travel to organise immunisations and preventative medications.

We can also provide a letter advising of your current medications, as travelling with certain prescription medications may cause unnecessary delay at Customs.

The vaccinations we stock include:

  • Cholera
  • Hepatitis A and B
  • Typhoid
  • Yellow Fever
  • Polio
  • Japanese Encephalitis
  • Rabies
  • Tetanus
  • Whooping Cough
  • Diptheria
  • Chicken Pox
  • Meningococcal Vaccine
  • Flu Vaccination

We can also arrange compression travel socks to prevent DVT (blood-clots in the legs) and leg swelling during flights.

Book an appointment today and don’t let illness ruin your travel plans!

Book your favourite doctor faster using our online booking system or the HotDoc App

Our booking system is a secure, fast and easy way for you to book a doctor online anytime.

The HotDoc App is available on iOS and Android.